Anger Management

Sale price$299.00

Learn effective strategies for managing and expressing anger in a healthy and constructive manner.

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight or flight theory.
  • Know common anger myths and their factual refutations.
  • Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger.
  • Know techniques in controlling anger, particular reading anger warning signs, using coping thoughts, exercising relaxation techniques and blowing off steam.
  • Understand the difference between objective and subjective language.
  • Know tips in identifying the problem.
  • Express a feeling or position using I-messages.
  • Know skills and techniques in making a disagreement constructive, including effective negotiation and solution-building.
  • Reflect on one’s hot buttons and personal anger dynamics.
  • Know alter, avoid and, accept ways of responding to an anger-provoking situation.
  • Understand the energy curve and how it can help in responding to someone else’s anger.
  • Learn and practice de-escalation techniques.
  • Gain an integrated view of anger management and how it can be best practiced.


Intended Audience: All